Web Hosting 0 - Simply Easy

Monday, September 8, 2008

Top 10 Hosting Tips

1. What scripting language do you use for your site?
If you use ASP you need a Windows host. Most web scripting languages are supported by both Unix and Windows servers.
2. Do you need FTP access?
If your site is larger than just one page you probably do as it is going to be much handier for uploading your site to the server.
3. PHP supported?
This is an issue if you decide to build a site using PHP. Note than some hosts will support only PHP4 while others support PHP 5 or both. In the meantime, not all the commands and methods you might use in your code can be supported by PHP 4.
4. MySQL availability
This is vital is you want to build a database-driven site.
5. CPanel
This is a matter of taste really. CPanel is one of possible interfaces through which you manage your hosting account. I personally am used to hosts with CPanel. I have seen other interfaces that were equally good - but with CPanel, you kinda know what to expect.
6. Cron support
This is important if you intend to run any scripts on the server side - but note that some hosts may not be too happy if your server side script creates an extensive load on the hosting server.
7. Number of domains/subdomains to host
If you are looking to run and host multiple sites this is an issue to consider. Check how many addon domains the host lets you have - don't mix these with parked domains as parking domains is only good for using email accounts based on these domains. If you intend to create subdomains see what the host's requirements are.
8. Web space and bandwidth
How much web space do you need to host your site? And how much traffic do you expect to get to your site? Limits on traffic can turn quite costly should your site suddenly become very popular.
9. Email
Web-based? POP3? Both? How many email accounts will you need? Will you need to redirect mail from one account to another? Check with the host what they let you have.
10. And of course, FREE vs. PAID

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